It's been a while since I posted... I made an observation a couple weeks back that Jamie and I spend way too much time watching TV while each being on a laptop. Just about all night, every weeknight. So especially since the weather has been so beautiful, we've been making a concentrated effort to NOT do those things as much. It's hard at first, not being online all the time. But then when you get outside and spend time with your neighbors, go for walks and get other stuff done, you realize what's really important. Not to say that it's all bad, because it certainly isn't, but you know what I mean. We've decided where we're going in July - Seattle! We're going to fly in and stay with my aunt and uncle for a night, then drive up to Vancouver and Victoria (1 night each), then drive back to Seattle and stay with my aunt and uncle again. I'm super excited - hopefully we'll see some whales! |

Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Currently Listening Recovering the Satellites By Counting Crows see related |
It's been a while since my last let's see, what's new? Not much.
Things at work are crazy, but Thursday I'm taking most of the day to go shopping with a friend at the outlet mall - I really need some new clothes. I'm at the stage in the season where I wonder what in the world I wore last spring/summer?! And since I stashed some of my bonus, I may even be able to find something fun at Coach.
Jamie and I are going to Duluth this coming weekend - we haven't been up to visit his family for a couple of months. It will be nice to get away. And nice to celebrate a belated mother's day with his family. Mother's day with my family was nice, except for the fact that one of my sisters didn't feel like she needed to spend the time with her mom and the rest of the family. At least that's what her actions said... My sarcasm aside, please pray for my family.
Thursday, May 4, 2006
Currently Listening Another Journal Entry By BarlowGirl see related |
Ok - let's talk TV.
American Idol: I'm slightly disappointed that Paris got voted off, but I knew that she wouldn't make it all the way anyway. I liked Katharine's rendition of Black Horse and the Cherry Tree, but she's no K.T. Tunstall - I LOVE her CD (Note that's what CD was on my last entry!). And Chris's 2nd song could have passed for a Burger King commercial with all the flames in the background!
Lost: Woah. Major twists and turns in this show, and that's why I love it! I won't say much more than that in case anyone is reading that hasn't watched it yet. And if you are not a fan, I *highly* recommend renting season 1 and getting caught up.
Jamie and I have had a pretty busy week. Tuesday and Wednesday nights we had friends over for dinner. This morning I had coffee with a friend before work, Jamie played in a faculty vs. "Team Hollywood" (old b-ball pros) basketball game during school today, and now we are babysitting for some neighbor friends while they are at their birthing class. Madeline is almost 2, and she is SUPER cute! Very smart - she was telling us all about her trip to the zoo. Giraffes, gorillas, dolphins, lions, zebras. Every time I'm around kids it makes me excited for the day when Jamie and I have kids. (I know, I'm sure I'll get several comments for saying that!) For now, we'll just enjoy other people's children, and the time that we have to ourselves. I love being married to him!!
Monday, May 1, 2006
Well, the DaVinci code is definitely good so far. I think it'll be interesting what types of discussions come up as the release of the movie comes closer and then people actually see it. That's kind of what our sermon was about more than a week ago - helping people to understand that the novel/movie is indeed fiction, but more importantly to use this opportunity to witness to others. Because there are so many people searching, and the spiritual elements of the book/movie provide a great jumping-off point. Anyhoo... Great weekend spent with many great friends. Four separate events - busy, but very fun!! (Deb, sorry you got sick - it must be total coincidence that you got sick after the last two times we all got together!) Weight loss update: 25 pounds since Jan 1!! I'm 5 pounds and one month ahead of my goal, so I think I'll be adjusting my goal soon. That way I maintain my motivation. It's so stupid, but I just play these mind games with myself. Today's Interval class was WAY intense, but good. And I definitely needed it after the indulgences of the weekend. Question - what's your favorite vacation destination in the continental US? Jamie and I are trying to decide where to go in July, so any recommendations are very welcome.... EDIT: I forgot to mention that we're taking a trip since we'll be celebrating our 5th anniversary this year!! |