
Monday, October 30, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Tired - very tired. Meetings all day leave no time to get work done. And with neighborhood Bible study tonight, and another day of all meetings tomorrow, I had to wrap up a bunch of stuff tonight. Oh well - at least I was able to watch Ugly Betty while working! We bought the Rendezvous - it's SO nice. Mostly just because Jamie and I haven't ever bought such a new car before. It's a used 2006, with about 14,000 miles. I'll post a photo soon... Looking forward to the weekend. Don't have too much planned, except for a party at one of Jamie's co-workers on Saturday night, which should be fun. I can't wait to sleep in on Saturday morning! |
Monday, October 9, 2006
Currently Reading Emily Ever After By Anne Dayton, May Vanderbilt see related |
I've decided to pull myself out of the funk. I mean, there are some things in my life that are a little complicated right now, but jeez. It's not that bad - mind over matter, right?
This weekend was nice - Saturday was 80 degrees outside! But super windy - enough to blow our whole patio table over (and luckily not break the glass top). We went to test drive a couple of cars, and will probably make a purchase in the next couple of days. Buick Rendezvous is the winner. We thought that's what we wanted, but definitely decided that was the one after test driving it. It's built on a minivan chassis, so it rides really smooth, and has big ol' mirrors on the side, which is nice too. Although it won't be my car - I drive too many miles to work (~25 one way) for it to be my car. And my car is doing just fine, thank you very much! But really, Jamie is SO excited about getting a new car. It's cute.
So...did anyone else watch Lost on Wednesday?! Such good TV, but so many more questions...
Monday, October 2, 2006