So things with my Mom are going pretty well. She was finally able to keep down some broth, jello and sorbet last night, and the resident said this morning that depending on how the day progresses, she may be able to come home tomorrow. Which is good news, except for the fact that it's supposed to start snowing again tomorrow! Hopefully we'll be able to get her checked out early enough that we can beat the majority of the snowfall. The thing is, it's probably already going to be a miserable ride home for her, but if it's snowy and the roads are bad, it will just make it that much worse. So pray for the snow to hold off! |

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Today's update: my Mom's been doing well, considering. Lots of resting, but she's been up walking about every couple of hours. Not by choice, but probably good for her to stretch and keep moving a little bit. She's feeling sore, but better. When her doctor stopped by this morning, he couldn't believe she'd slept through the night without any narcotics. Guess she's got a really high pain tolerance! (I knew it was high, but not that high!) It's so nice to know that she still has pretty much both complete kidneys in tact - it's amazing to me that they a) can take only 1% of the part of the healthy kidney surrounding the tumor; and b) know that it's only 1%! So I'll be curious to see how long they expect she'll need to stay in the hospital. Originally they told her it would probably be 7-10 days; then on Thursday at her pre-op appointment, they said it would be more like 3-5 days. At this point, it's hard to say which would be better - it's not like she gets a ton of rest with the nurses in and out of the room taking temps, blood pressure, etc (even though I know it's necessary) - or with having a roommate who's kind of loud; but at the same time, it's obviously good for her to be taken care of. In other news, the weather is TERRIBLE here - there was snow/sleet last night, and a big layer of ice all over the roads, cars, etc this morning that the snow/sleet/freezing rain has been falling on top of all day long. UGH! The roads are a disaster, so it's a good thing that we're not planning to go back until Monday. Hopefully it will have stopped snowing by then, and all the roads will be nice and clear...guess we'll have to wait and see. |
Friday, February 23, 2007
It's been a long day... My Mom couldn't even find out what time her surgery was this morning until after 8:15 last night. So when we called, we found out that she needed to report at 8:00. We got to the hospital (right across the street) at about 7:35 and then waited until they called her. The Wilsons and Dan & Becky Sjogren were there before 8, and it was about then they called her up (along with about 4 other patients & family). We all herded to the next waiting area while she was in a small room to get changed into the lovely hospital attire and wait to be moved on. Well, everyone took a turn with my Mom reading scripture and praying, and we were led to think it would be "any time now" that they would bring her down to the prep room. Finally around 1:15 (!), they actually came and took her to the next spot. We then went to lunch, since we hadn't really even eaten breakfast... Came back from lunch thinking that they would have probably already had her in surgery by then (2:30). Around 3:45, our coordinator stopped over and said that they were just taking her in to surgery at that point. Then, around 5:15, a different coordinator came and said they had actually just started about 15 minutes before. So we were extremely confused about what was happening when. It was almost 7 when one of the nurses came and let us know the doctor would be coming up shortly to let us know about how the surgery had gone, and that we should head to my Mom's room. The doctor came in and said the surgery went very well; that they were able to easily take the whole tumor, and only took about 1% of the healthy surrounding part of the kidney. So that was great, obviously. However, he said he was moderately concerned about the stitches because of there being so many blood vessels in the area. They'll just continue to monitor it, and if they need to, they'll go back and cauterize (sp?) it less invasively through a catheter or something. (I dunno - a lot of medical lingo... Then she was in recovery for a couple of hours, and they finally rolled her up to her room around 10pm. We went in and saw her for just a couple of minutes, but she was pretty doped up still, and nauseated from the movement. So since we didn't want to overwhelm her, Dena and I headed back to the hotel room around 10:30 or so after just talking for a few minutes. My Dad stayed with her, and is still there now for a little while longer. just trying to unwind from a long day of hurrying up to wait. It's stressful not knowing what's going on! And I felt so bad since I knew she just felt miserable - I wish there was something I could do for her. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be more rested and start to feel a little better than she did tonight. It was just such a long day for her! Anyway, thanks for all your prayers on our is much appreciated! More updates to come over the next day or so... |
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Currently Reading My Utmost for His Highest/Hard Bonded Leather (The/Christian Library) By Oswald Chambers see related |
Happy Birthday Mom! (who, like my Dad, won't read this...)
Speaking of my Mom, I am headed to Rochester today with Dena as my Mom is having surgery at the Mayo clinic tomorrow. She and my Dad went down last night for her pre-op appointments today that started at 7:30 this morning. They have said that she will be recovering there for about 7-10 days, and then will be home another 4-5 weeks after that. So she's got a bit of a long road ahead of her. Dena and I will probably be in Rochester until Monday; depending on how things go, my Dad may stay longer. Please keep my Mom (and my Dad!) in your prayers...
And on a positive note, I passed the glucose test I took at my doctor's appointment yesterday! So I can take advantage of the Girl Scout cookies that I ordered.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Lots of's the profile pic from the last ultrasound! Guess we weren't meant to go with the daycare provider we were supposed to meet with today - I got a voice mail from her that her spot for September is filled already. So I'm back to calling and asking around. Hopefully we'll find the right one soon! |
Monday, February 19, 2007
Currently Gaming Dance Dance Revolution Supernova By Konami see related |
Here's a belly shot from yesterday (note how Tucker wanted to be in the picture too ):
Then, here's where we're at with Little P's room so far:
We're still waiting for the millwork place to call us back about ordering the chair rail. And we need to order the rocker/recliner while we can still get it on sale! Tomorrow we go to meet with a daycare lady - we'll see how it goes. I've heard that you can ask as many questions as you want, but it's really more about a gut feeling...
I really need to stop watching the Food Network late at night - now it's the secret life of movie treats, making me totally crave popcorn...
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
The crib and dresser are in already! I picked them up today on my way home from work, but since we didn't have anyone to help Jamie bring them up to the nursery, they're just sitting in our laundry room for now. I'm so excited, though! Very sleepy...going to bed soon! |
Monday, February 12, 2007
Currently Reading Pregnancy Journal: A Week-by-week Guide to a Happy, Healthy Pregnancy (Guided Journals Series) By Paula Spencer see related |
We ordered Little P's crib and dresser last weekend! Now we just have to order the chair rail and the rocker/recliner and I think I'll feel much better about the nursery coming together. Hopefully I'll have photos to share soon...
There is a girl at the gym that is about 5 or 6 weeks ahead of me...she's just a little thing, so her belly is just a total basketball. Well, her belly button is officially flat. It's so funny to see. Mine is definitely not flat, but it is also definitely not as deep as it used to be! I wonder if it ever will be flat, or will pop out?
I'm watching the secret life of brownies on the Food Network...let's just say I'm practically drooling.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Random things of note today: Happy Birthday Dad! (even though he doesn't read this mom has cancer in one of her kidneys. She will be undergoing surgery at some point in February to have the cancerous part of the kidney removed. It sounds like the doctor is very optimistic that they have caught it early enough and she should be ok after the surgery. She also will not have to go through chemo or radiation or anything, which is great news. Please keep her and my dad in your prayers... Tomorrow I have my next doctor's appointment, with an ultrasound! Hopefully Little P will be more cooperative so we can get some pictures. |