Carter is five weeks today! It's very hard to believe. He is getting so big! See: We spent the weekend before Memorial Day in Duluth with Jamie's family, which was great. It was so nice to introduce Carter to the rest of Jamie's family. We had to take advantage of the photo opportunity with four generation of Paulsons: Jamie's grandpa is SO excited that we had a boy to carry on the Paulson name. We also got to hang out with Dena, who is super excited about being an Auntie: Here was Carter's first bath at home after his cord fell off: Then we were finally able to enjoy some tummy time - well, Jamie and I anyway, Carter didn't really like it too much: This past weekend, Jamie's parents came into town for a night and ended up watching Carter for us while we went to graduation and an end of year teacher party. It was great - it's always interesting to attend graduation, especially as an alum of the HS where Jamie teaches. I see people that I do and don't expect to see, and it always shows me how bad I am at small talk. |

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Wow - time really flies when you have a baby! I can't believe it's been three weeks since Carter was born. I suppose it doesn't help that the whole first week we were in the hospital every day, and in and out of different doctor's offices - all sorts of drama. Here's a couple photos from the last few days - they were taken with my new camera, which was my Mother's Day gift (so exciting!): |
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Carter Jacob Paulson was born last Tuesday, April 24, at 1:56 pm weighing 7 pounds exactly, and 21" long. More on the details to come, but I know this update is long overdue! Here are some photos: We are all (finally) doing better, and Jamie and I are completely enamored! Carter has completely captured our hearts, and we are enjoying being a family of three. |