| 10 things Carter does right now that I LOVE: - Tackles Tucker in order to "cuddle" him
- When he's ready for bed, he will bury his head in my shoulder and put his arms straight down
- Thinks that picking up his mega blocks is fun
- Is ok with me wiping his hands before taking him out of the high chair
- Waves goodbye at the TV when an episode of The Backyardigans is ending, and they say "See ya later!"
- "Helps" Daddy with a lot of things, but really loves to help with the sprinklers
- Is really good about going up to bed at bedtime - when we say "Let's go upstairs" he can't go fast enough
- Clinks his extra pacifiers together before falling asleep and when waking up
- Finds joy in pointing out the bubbles on a page of one of his favorite books
- When he snuggles in at night before bed, he will put his hand on my arm and pat it...so sweet!