Friday, September 7, 2012

I want to remember how excited Carter was when he woke up. That he couldn’t wait to put on his new Sketchers and ride the bus.

I want to remember how Elsie was so cute looking out the window to see Carter get on the bus.

I want to remember the bus ride I got to take with him on the first day – how it was so cute to see him say hi to Braden and Leo. How I chatted with John and Nancy about how their mornings were. How the boys realized they all had the same shoes. :) How it was a little chilly because the bus had their roof window open. How it is kind of a long bus ride, and was made even longer with all the parents taking pictures (but was so cute!).

I want to remember how quick it seemed to go once we got to the school – that he lined up and went to go meet his teacher. I wanted to go with , but John let Braden head off by himself, so I did the same. How I was surprised I didn’t cry, but was instead so excited for him. And how it seemed like there were so. Many. Kids.

I want to remember that I wanted to take a million more pictures, but held back. :)

I want to remember how much I thought about him the whole day.

I want to remember how cute Elsie was when Tina brought the kids over while we were doing the garage sale. How she’d leaked through her diaper and had pants on instead of her shorts (a common occurrence lately).

I want to remember how glad I was that Jamie got home before Carter’s bus, so we could both be there to get him off the bus.

I want to remember how cute it was when we saw the bus pulling up and saw Carter in one of the very front seats with a HUGE smile on his face, waving like crazy. :) How excited he was when he got off the bus – he couldn’t stop smiling! How Tina told us that Elsie was looking out the window to see all of us too. :)

I want to remember when we asked him what he did during the day, all he remembered was playing on the playground. Then after we asked a couple more questions, he told us he’d found Carter O (from soccer last spring) at lunch and sat with him and Leo. And that he didn’t remember any of his classmates’ names, but he was glad to meet them all. (HA!)

I want to remember that when Jamie was unpacking Carter’s lunch box that he had the strangest things left – like his cookie! And how Carter said with a big smile “I loved the card you gave me in my lunch, mama!” Then he proceeded to eat some of what was left, because he realized how hungry he was.

I want to remember how quickly we had to eat supper to make it to soccer in time, and then how out of control soccer was. How he did good while we were there, but then was honest and said he didn’t like it afterwards. (we’re going to try to pull him out since there aren’t enough coaches)

I want to remember how it was fun helping him with his homework – filling out the sheet about his first day. How he didn’t have anything that he didn’t like. :) And how he said the first day was awesome!

I want to remember how when he went to bed, and we told him there was only one more school day this week, he was disappointed because he wanted to go to school more than just one more day. :)