Monday, April 23, 2007

Currently Listening
Casting Crowns
By Casting Crowns
see related

No new developments....but my appointment is this afternoon at 3:30, so we'll either go to the hospital from the dr's office or schedule an appointment for tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I'm trying to finish up a couple last things for work. UGH! I will update as I can....

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Currently Listening
Another Journal Entry
By BarlowGirl
see related

I've been meaning to update with some photos for a while, but all the images were on the computer upstairs. I finally remembered to ask Jamie to put them on a flash drive so I could actually do something with them!

Early April belly photo:

April belly 3

Dueling bellies with my dad :

dueling bellies

At my shower a couple weeks ago:


I am truly blessed for so many things...

  • A healthy pregnancy (even with the last couple of weeks on bedrest!)
  • An amazing husband, who will make an amazing father
  • A wonderful, loving family who is SO excited about Little P's impending arrival
  • Incredible friends who show how much they care in so many visible, tangible ways
  • A job that allows me to work from home so that I haven't had to take time off before the baby comes

God is so good!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Currently Watching
Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest (Two-Disc Collector's Edition)
By Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley
see related

Well, I'm back home after my appointment today. If I haven't already had the baby naturally by the time the weekend is over, it sounds like I will be induced on Tuesday. My doctor gave me the option to be induced tomorrow, but I have another appointment with the doctor on Monday afternoon to see where things are at. He said since he's on call tomorrow, that if I change my mind he'll be around. So...Little P will be here on or before April 24! It makes me nervous, excited, anxious and thrilled all at the same time...if that makes sense. I can't wait to meet this little person. In the meantime, I'm still hanging out on the couch - good times.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Currently Reading
Super Baby Food
By Ruth Yaron
see related

The bed rest least the weather is supposed to start getting worse. Ok, so I don't really want the weather to get worse, but it is hard to lay here looking outside at the beautiful sunny days, and hearing everyone out and about. I want to be out and about! Soon enough, I suppose, I'll be out and about with Little P in tow. Which is exciting to think about!

Other than that, not too much else going on...trying to wrap stuff up for work. And trying to be strategic about when and how I'm using my phone for work, since we're already over our minutes, and we still have more than a week until the end of the billing cycle! Thank goodness a lot of the people we talk to on the phone have Tmobile for wireless service.

In long, Sanjaya. Your time has finally come.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Currently Listening
Arise - A Celebration Of Worship
By Various
see related

I'm back home on the couch - yay! The appointment today went really well. Little P scored an 8/8 on the biophysical test, so I didn't even have to do the non-stress test. My blood pressure was down as compared to Wednesday (144/84), and I even lost 5 pounds since Wednesday. (?!?!?) I'm also dilated to a 2, which is good news since it means a c-section is even less likely now. So while we won't be attending our birthing classes tomorrow and Sunday, or the breastfeeding class on Thursday, I'm feeling so much better about things!

Well, Jamie and I are headed for the doctor's office in about 10 minutes for a 12:30 appointment. I'll update when I can - hopefully from the comforts of the couch back at home.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Currently Watching
The Holiday
By Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jack Black, Eli Wallach
see related

Well, you'd think with me being on bedrest I'd be posting all the time. Instead, I've been doing a lot of thinking - trying to do last minute planning, packing (with Jamie's help, obviously), praying...for this baby. I've also been trying to wrap up things for work, since the person covering my maternity leave started yesterday. It's hard, since I want to do as much as I can to spell out every last detail, but I realize that's probably going overboard. Although I realize how lucky I am that I can still work from home even though I'm on bed rest - not many people have that luxury. It allows me to keep saving my time for the actual maternity leave instead of taking time now.

So today...I had my appointment with my regular doc after another ultrasound to check Little P's kidney measurements. My blood pressure was in the 150's over 90's, then another nurse came in to check it, and it was 160/110. Clearly not good! The doctor came in and we talked about some things like pain options during labor, when to go to the hospital, things that were probably good to talk about since we may not get to go to the birthing class this weekend! He also said I won't be going in to the office anymore. And then he checked me (not dilated at all) and sent me to the hospital for monitoring. I headed over to the hospital after calling Jamie to let him know, and was there for about 4 hours. They just monitored my blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat, as well as some blood work. The blood pressure came down when I was just laying on my left side, and since my labs all came back ok they sent me home. Now I just have to remain on my left side as much as possible, and I'll go back on Friday to see the doctor. He'll do some tests on the baby to see if my blood pressure is affecting Little P or not, and then we'll see where things go from there. I'm really hoping I can make it another week and a half or so (or longer!), but obviously whatever needs to be done to keep both me and Little P safe is best. I'm also REALLY hoping that I don't have to have a c-section.

It's funny - people always say how you can never be totally prepared before kids, but I still can't get it out of my control-freak head that there are tons of things I wish I had time (and now just the opportunity!) to finish up. Oh well - things will play out just the way they're supposed to. God's got both me and Little P right where He wants us!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Currently Reading
The Girlfriends' Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood
By Vicki Iovine
see related

I'm long overdue for an update...

My shower was last Saturday, and it was GREAT! I had such a fun time, and I think everyone else did, too. I was completely overwhelmed with the generous 'showering' of Little P - how blessed we are to have such wonderful family and friends. I will post photos from the shower in the next day or two...

Today I had a doctor's appointment, and my blood pressure was higher than they liked. Combined with my swelling feet and cankles, they took some blood for testing and then had me lay down for 10 minutes and took my blood pressure again. Luckily it went down, since if it hadn't they were going to send me to the hospital. As it is, I'm now on bedrest. I got the ok to go to church on Sunday(Jamie said 'we'll see'), and then to come back in to their office on Monday for another blood pressure check. My regular doctor was on vacation this week, so I met with the nurse practitioner who is super nice. But in the meantime, she said that we'd better at least narrow down our boys' name choices, since this baby might not wait until May 5. I'm hoping that we'll at least be able to go to the birthing classes we're scheduled for next weekend! At least I'm starting to feel better about things than I did when we left the doctor's office. It's a good thing Jamie was with me, as I had a bit of a breakdown on the car ride home.