| So...my update went out the door when Carter started his three week and counting sickness - ear infections (yes - that is plural), rashes, viruses, several trips to the doctor's office - ick; and when things at work got really crazy. And yes, Deby - I can now add where did October go?!  Well, what else have I been up to in the midst of sickness and work? Let's see... - The garage sale was mildly successful. I don't know that I'd rush to do another one, but I did make enough to buy new running shoes...
- ...that I used to run the Twin Cities 5K (tied in with TC Marathon) with Deby. I'm so glad that we did it together, and I'm very proud of us. I shaved about 10 minutes off of my previous 5K time, which isn't saying much since I walked a majority of the second half the last time. This time, I (we) ran the whole way, even with the hill.
- We had a fun day at a local apple orchard with Sarah, Chad and Mimi a few weeks back. The weather was unexpectedly nice, so it made it that much better.
- Carter is getting so big! He can sit up unassisted for short periods of time - that is, until he gets excited, and throws himself back. He will be 6 months tomorrow, and I'm anxiously looking forward to seeing how big he is. When he was at one of his many doctor's visits in the past three weeks, they weighed him and he was 17 pounds and 13 ounces. Woah! That's a big boy!
- We went to Duluth this past weekend to visit Jamie's family. However, it was a bummer that because of Carter being sick, we couldn't visit Great Grandpa Carl at the nursing home.
The rest of the weekend was good - Jamie spent a majority of it helping with some home repairs, and I went to some rummage sales with Amy. The kids all had a good time together and with Tucker.
I'll have to upload photos later, since apparently xanga is doing server maintenance. |
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