| It's snowing! Although it sounds like we're not going to get as much as originally thought. So, let's see...what's been going on? - We've started a beginner Bible study in the neighborhood after the Christmas Gathering - and I'm leading it. There are three new women that have joined and that have never done a Bible study before. It's also the first time I've led a Bible study...we'll see how I do. I mean, with leading. I'm just relying on God to use me, since I sort of bumble through otherwise.
 - I'm doing ok so far on my FAB study journey - I've lost almost 10 pounds in a little more than 3 weeks. I've actually found it fairly easy to make going to the gym a habit, and on the days that I end up not making it when I thought I would be able to (but with meetings and other things that come up...can't) I find myself missing it. Eating has been a little harder. There have been a couple of days that I've definitely exceeded what is supposed to be my calorie limit - 1800. And I'm still not making all good choices with my calories. But I have not let myself get completely derailed after a slip up, which is good for me.
- I am looking forward to another meeting for the Women's Advisory Board at the hospital where I delivered Carter. We meet quarterly, and I'm excited for what we're going to discuss and plan - I had a fantastic time at the last meeting.
- We're going to Duluth this weekend - mainly to visit Jamie's grandpa. Hopefully Carter stays well enough to see his great grandpa!
- I've been trying to be a little less obsessed with being online/on the computer all the time...some days it works, some days it doesn't.
- I am obsessed with John Mayer...can't...stop...listening....
There's probably more that I'm leaving out, but considering I haven't updated in three weeks, I guess it's better than nothing! Here's a question - do you and your spouse/significant other exchange gifts for valentine's day? Oh yeah - and here's some new photos...

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