What an amazing night last night! We had about 20 neighborhood women come to my house last night for the "Christmas Gathering", where one of our friends' friend gave a little devotional thought. This was an outreach to the friends and neighbors that came. There was a great time of treats, getting caught up with everyone since we're not able to do that as much during the winter, and sharing of traditions (which you know I was way into based on my last entry!). Then Maureen spoke, prayed an invitational prayer, and at the end we passed out notecards and asked everyone to write their thoughts about the evening as well as indicate if they had prayed the prayer and if they were interested in a basic Bible study. There were NINE people that said that they prayed with Maureen! And there were a couple more that were interested in the Bible study! A huge thank you to those of you that were praying for this event - there was definitely spiritual warfare going on, but we know that God had His hand on the whole evening, and hopefully the things that we know were successes are just the beginning of what He has planned for this neighborhood. |

Friday, December 14, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A lot has happened in the past couple of weeks:
What is your favorite Christmas tradition? I'm trying to implement new ones this year - like new pajamas for everyone on Christmas Eve. I'd love to get some more ideas! |
Monday, November 26, 2007
Currently Listening And So This Is Christmas see related |
Thursday, November 22, 2007
So much to be thankful for... I love these two guys! We're off to Duluth tomorrow to see Jamie's family. Happy Thanksgiving! |
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
So...my update went out the door when Carter started his three week and counting sickness - ear infections (yes - that is plural), rashes, viruses, several trips to the doctor's office - ick; and when things at work got really crazy. And yes, Deby - I can now add where did October go?! Well, what else have I been up to in the midst of sickness and work? Let's see...
I'll have to upload photos later, since apparently xanga is doing server maintenance. |
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Today was Jamie's first day back, and Carter's first day at daycare - which is thankfully just at our neighbors. Carter had his 4-month appointment last Friday - he is a big boy! 25.5" long (75th percentile), 16 pounds (also 75th percentile) and 41.25 head circumference (37th percentile). He did really well after his shots, too. I mean, as well as can be expected. And he slept a lot the couple of days afterwards, which was nice. Here's a few new pics... Meeting Great Grandma Burleigh: Smiling at Great Grandma Jobe: Hanging out in the exersaucer: It's so sad that summer is almost over, but we are looking forward to being outside more this fall when it cools down a little! |
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Currently Listening MTV Party to Go: Platinum Mix By Various Artists see related |
We're headed to Duluth for the weekend - in my new car! Ok, so it's not exactly new, but new to me. It's a 2002 Chevy Impala. I really like it, but it's so much bigger than the Mazda was! And actually, Jamie pointed out to me that it's bigger than the Rendezvous...that just seems wrong. Ha!
I'm really buying into the sleep begets sleep theory - Carter hasn't been napping as much the last few days, and it has been so much harder for him to go to bed! He just keeps fighting it for some reason. Although he has also been waking up a lot more than he used to, but he goes right back down. Or so I think, anyway - Jamie's probably getting up to put his pacifier in. Next week is the last week that Jamie will be home with him, though, so then we'll have to split the waking duties.
So here's a random question - what is your favorite workout song? Or if you have a Nike+, what do you have as your PowerSong? I'm trying to put together a new playlist for running...
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
So work is going well - I'm settling back into a routine. A routine that since late last week has included a workout. At times, I'm excited about that; at others, not so much. But I've got a 5K to train for, and I don't have time to spare! It's easier to work out at the gym while I'm at work when I don't feel as much like I should be spending my time with Carter. I need to make sure I'm taking care of me, which will help me take care of him even better. I think that's what I was wrestling with a month or so ago... Jamie's enjoying his last few weeks with Carter before school starts again - he's doing such a good job. I think it's funny how many people will say "Oh, how's Jamie doing with the babysitting?" My response is "He's not babysitting; he's parenting." Who wouldn't want to parent this guy?! He was dedicated at church a week or so ago...it was a nice dedication, even if it was a big church, with a bunch of other kids being dedicated at the same time. I don't think God minds what the service is like, as long as the intent is pure. We had a nice, very last minute National Night Out gathering in our driveway with almost all of the neighbors on our 'block'. It is so great to have good neighbors that we also call friends! |
Monday, July 16, 2007
So tomorrow I go back to work...it brings mixed feelings. I'm excited to go back and see my coworkers, and strangely enough to get back on some type of schedule/routine, but obviously am sad to leave my Little P. However, it's so nice to know that Jamie will be home with Carter for another six weeks or so! I'm guessing things will look something like this (more so the second photo...): Today we had Carter's 3 month pictures taken (one day early), and just spent a low key day together as a family. Jamie was good enough to humor me with a second photo shoot so I'd have some good shots to print out and bring to work. |
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Six years ago today, I was awaking from a night of little sleep - there was too much excitement for what the day ahead held. I went through a flurry of preparations that morning, from loading the car several times full of stuff to getting my hair done; from picking up my dress to then unloading all the stuff. Primping, prepping, pacing...praying. I had certainly thought about this day for a long time It was such a relief to make it through the ceremony - especially since I didn't trip and fall! - and I couldn't wait to go and celebrate with all of the special people in our lives. The horse and carriage ride from the church to the Landmark Center was so great; it gave us a good chance to have a few minutes alone amidst all the craziness. Getting to the Landmark Center was amazing - it was even more magical than I had hoped it would be. We had a great time dancing (I hope everyone else did too!), and trying to catch at least a few minutes with all of our guests. I've said on several occasions that I would love to relive my wedding day - I remember so many amazing and wonderful snippets from that day. The special people who helped make the day possible, from participants in the ceremony to those who helped with reception things at the Landmark. The support from friends who stood up for us, and have continued to support us. The guest tables having to sing a song with the word love (as opposed to clinking glasses) to get us to kiss. And so many more... To relive everything would be so incredible! But without taking away from that special day, all of that wouldn't matter. What matters is our marriage - the everyday. The fact that my husband is the man that God wanted for me (ever since I saw him with that fluorescent jacket on... I love you Jamie! |
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Carter is getting so big! He now weighs 11 pounds, 4 ounces (50th percentile) - up 4 lbs 4 oz from birth weight, but up 5 lbs 1 oz from when we had his feeding issues and had to have him back in the hospital! He is 23.5 inches long (75th percentile), from 21 inches at birth, And his head is apparently little, as he's only in the 10th percentile for head circumference (thankfully for me One of the reasons I haven't been updating much lately is because I feel like I don't have a lot to say other than what's going on with Carter. I was kind of sad about that, because it also feels like I don't have much of my own identity without him. HOWEVER, I realize that of course it has to be all about him right now - he's only 9 weeks old! And I will slowly be able to start getting things back to normal...at least I think so, anyway. Moms out there - can you confirm? I feel like I'm almost a bad mom for saying that, because it certainly isn't because I don't love Carter with EVERY ounce of my being, but, well, I don't know. It's not like I want my old, pre-Carter life back, because I love being his mama, but I want to have some things of my own to talk about. Does that make sense? Ok, I think I'm just rambling now... I'm excited - we're going to go to the library! I'm embarassed to say I've only been to the library once since we moved to Carver almost 2 years ago. And that was just to get my new library card. I think I'm going to look for some books on how to help me with my new DSLR camera...it takes good pictures as I've been using it on auto setting, but I'm guessing I could do much more if I was a little more educated on how to use more of the functions. I'll try to post some 'before and after' shots in the next week or so... |
Monday, June 25, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
FOUR JOBS I'VE HAD IN MY LIFE: Factory worker for lotions/soap/other bath products Montgomery Ward men's department lead Target management intern Advertising account executive FOUR PLACES I HAVE LIVED: Shakopee, MN Duluth, MN St. Louis Park, MN Carver, MN and a bonus - Apartment 56, Moldova FOUR TV SHOWS I LIKE TO WATCH: Lost (!) The Amazing Race The Office Last Comic Standing FOUR PLACES I'VE BEEN ON VACATION: Mazatlan Kenya/Tanzania Amsterdam Seattle/Vancouver FOUR OF MY FAVORITE FOODS: Chicken Pad Thai Tortilla Chips & cheese Orange Chicken w/Rice (especially from The Cheesecake Factory) Dairy Queen chocolate dipped cone FOUR PLACES I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: On a beach in Mexico In bed sleeping Somewhere in Europe Grand Marais FOUR PLACES I LIKE TO SHOP: Target Gap Outlet Home Goods Archiver's |
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Yesterday Carter was a little fussy in the early morning (5-6-ish), so Jamie took him for a little bit, then I went in. I was trying to explain to Carter that he might feel better if he could keep his paci in his mouth when he gave me a HUGE smile. While I'm not exactly looking forward to going back to work, I am going to be glad to go back to my work friends. It was really fun to catch up with most of them - if only for a few minutes - when I stopped in on Tuesday for one of their baby showers. Coworkers really can make or break your work experience, can't they?! My grandparents came back from Florida on Thursday, and yesterday they came down to meet Carter - it was SO cute! |
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Who knew maternity leave would be so busy? I'm looking forward to next week, when Jamie really will be home with Carter and me... |
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Carter is five weeks today! It's very hard to believe. He is getting so big! See: We spent the weekend before Memorial Day in Duluth with Jamie's family, which was great. It was so nice to introduce Carter to the rest of Jamie's family. We had to take advantage of the photo opportunity with four generation of Paulsons: Jamie's grandpa is SO excited that we had a boy to carry on the Paulson name. We also got to hang out with Dena, who is super excited about being an Auntie: Here was Carter's first bath at home after his cord fell off: Then we were finally able to enjoy some tummy time - well, Jamie and I anyway, Carter didn't really like it too much: This past weekend, Jamie's parents came into town for a night and ended up watching Carter for us while we went to graduation and an end of year teacher party. It was great - it's always interesting to attend graduation, especially as an alum of the HS where Jamie teaches. I see people that I do and don't expect to see, and it always shows me how bad I am at small talk. |